Thank you for choosing to online book with us. Once you reach the final page please click “submit request.” After we receive your request we will “accept” or “reject” the appointment on our end and from there you will receive an email or text message verifying the appointment.
If you do not receive a notification from us after booking then the appointment is incomplete and may need to be rebooked.
Thank you again and we look forward to hearing from you.
Cancellation Policy:
We Value Your Business & Ask That You Respect Our Business Scheduling Policies
Please notify us at least 24 hours of any cancellation. Clients will be charged 50% of service value for cancellations under 24 hours and 100% for NO CALL- NO SHOWS
You can always message us on Facebook @Hair Tech Salon or email us @ You can also leave us a voicemail at 250-753-4234 outside of salon hours to cancel or reschedule. This gives other clients a chance to fill your spot and not leave us empty.
Consecutive cancellations will be asked for a 50% deposit for future appointments or we reserve the right to dismiss clients from future bookings.
Thank you for understanding & respecting our time, Hair Tech Salon Ltd.
Return/Exchange Policy
If at all you are not completely satisfied with your service, we ask that you let us know within 1 (one) week of the service and we will gladly fix any issues resulting from that service. Anything past 1 (one) week from the service can result in regrowth and changes in initial colour which can not be rectified.
We DO NOT do refunds. If your unhappy or react with a retail product at all we will gladly exchange it for another one of similar value. No refunds on electrical equipment of any kind.